The apple pipe is a testament to human ingenuity. We’ve been taking tokes for thousands of years, and in that time, necessity has caused us to get creative with our smoking methods. While the trusty pipe has emerged as a classic way to consume cannabis, sometimes you just don’t have one.
Maybe it broke. Maybe it’s in your other coat. Who knows? But you bought flower instead of pre-rolls, and it’s burning a hole through your pocket. If you know how to make an apple pipe, you’ll never worry about smoking supplies again!
No pre-rolls? No problem. This apple pipe DIY guide will show you how simple and fun adding a little fruit to your flower can be!
Why Make an Apple Pipe?
Of course, the most common reason people need to know how to make an apple pipe is because they don’t have the supplies to roll a spliff or rip a bowl. That’s not the only reason, though. There are plenty of advantages to getting your buzz from the apple.
Stoners tend to be really creative, so it’s no surprise that there are many makeshift methods for consuming cannabis. However, few are as convenient as the apple pipe.
Apples are everywhere—they’re the most popular fruit in America. If you don’t have one on your counter as you read this, there’s no doubt your corner store has a basket waiting for you. They’re everywhere, ensuring that you’ll always be within a stone’s throw of this DIY smoking device.
Flower Flavor
Why learn how to make an apple pipe when you could do knife hits or smoke from a can? Well, if you’re a cannabis connoisseur, you’ll appreciate the flavor.
Sometimes, heating metal materials can unleash flavors and chemicals that cause harsh smoke and undesirable flavors. On the other hand, apples are fresh and add a fruity tinge to your smoke. Think of them as the natural alternative to a fruit-flavored blunt wrap!
Sustainable Smoking
Unlike aluminum cans or tinfoil, apples are biodegradable. You can smoke with a clean conscience, knowing that when you toss your makeshift pipe, you’re not harming the environment! Considering Mother Nature provided us with such killer bud, we should pay her back by keeping our rips eco-friendly.
Choosing Your Apple

Red or green, Granny Smith or Honeycrisp, the apple you choose is all about your personal preference—especially if you think you’ll take a few bites after you smoke to satisfy your munchies. The only rule is that you select the freshest apple you can find.
A crisp apple is much easier to work with and will smoke better. Feel the apple for soft spots, and if you find any, move along to the next candidate. An apple pipe is only supposed to last for a single session, but a bad apple can ruin the party for everyone before it even begins.
Materials You’ll Need
Once you learn how to make an apple pipe, you’ll see that the concepts are more important than actual tools. All you really need is an apple, your weed (duh!), and something with a sharp end.
We prefer using a ballpoint pen over tools like knives, scissors, or chopsticks because apple pipes are usually the result of finding yourself in a bind. We’re talking about cannabis, not arts and crafts! Remove the ink cartridge from the pen to avoid spillage onto the apple.
How to Make An Apple Pipe
Ready to rip a fun and fruity bowl? Here are the simple steps involved in making an apple pipe.
Remove the Stem
Twist the stem and pull up on it to remove it from the top of the apple. You want to be sure the entire stem is gone. For stubborn stems, use your pen or finger to dig into the hole and uproot it.
Create Bowl
After removing the stem, you’ll notice the natural bowl shape at the top of the apple. Your next step is to create a tunnel from that bowl through the apple. To do this, insert the pen from the top and bore a hole through the center of the apple until you reach halfway through.
Create Your Mouthpiece
You’ll make a second hole for the mouthpiece by boring a second hole into the front of the apple that intersects with the center hole. You’ll draw the smoke from this spot, so be sure it’s where you can easily access it.
Create the Carb
Repeat the step above, only this time on the side, to create a carb. Make sure it’s somewhere your finger can easily cover it while you light the pipe.
Apple Pipe Tips

If you’re in the mood for massive hits or sharing your smoke with friends, you can increase the capacity at the top of your apple pipe by taking your pen or other pointed object and gently carving out a bigger bowl.
To ensure your airways are connected and flowing properly, give your apple pipe a test run by blowing and sucking through the holes. This method will ensure you don’t waste any weed by verifying the mouthpiece, bowl, and carb are connected before you light up.
How Do You Like Them Apples?
Making an apple pipe is as easy as apple pie. Actually, it’s way easier! You’re sure to impress your friends with this fun and fruity approach to smoking. Afterward, you’ll feel so at one with nature that you might want to stop and meditate!
Now that you know how to make an apple pipe, visit our Venice Beach dispensary for flower to load it with! We have one of the largest selections of top-shelf cannabis products in LA. And with our daily deals and 420 Rewards Program, our prices are unbeatable. Visit us today to talk with our knowledgeable budtenders or shop online for easy in-store pickup!