Humans have been smoking marijuana for millennia. Inevitably, all that puffing has sparked several hot-button issues. Smoke sessions have given way to debates over sativa or indica, what constitutes the perfect munchie, and whether you should smoke blunts vs. spliffs.
It’s a classic cannabis question. For some smokers, the terminology is similar enough that the words seem interchangeable. However, there are big differences between blunts and spliffs. What you roll can dictate your entire experience, so understanding the difference is essential to the best smoking session.
Not to brag, but we’re pretty much experts on this subject. We put down our rolling papers long enough to blog about the blunt vs. spliff debate. Trust us, we’re experts. Once the smoke clears, you’ll know precisely which type to roll for any occasion.
How Whacky Do You Like Your Tobacky?
Old-school stoners might recognize the term “whacky tobacky” as retro slang for marijuana. The name does fit, considering you smoke it, and then the psychoactive components produce euphoria and giggles. We’ve definitely felt pretty whacky after epic smoke sessions!
However, the difference between blunts and spliffs does hinge primarily on the use of tobacco—not just the whacky kind. Both employ nicotine, but not in the same way or amount. This is the fundamental difference when it comes to blunts vs. spliffs.
What’s a Blunt?
A blunt is ground marijuana encased in a cigar wrapper. While weed is the only material inside of the blunt, the wrapper itself is tobacco. This adds the slight buzz of nicotine to the weed, which might have an initial effect on the smoker.
Tobacco does not burn as quickly as paper, so blunts tend to last quite a while. The slow-burning materials combined with the size of the cigars or cigarillos mean that smoke sessions with a blunt can last a while. This time commitment is a major difference between blunts and spliffs. Rolling a blunt is an event and not as casual as a spliff.
What’s a Spliff?
There’s more tobacco in a spliff vs. a blunt. Even though it’s wrapped in traditional paper, the mixture of tobacco and cannabis inside a spliff is heavier on the nicotine. This means that the effects of your weed are slightly altered by the buzz of tobacco.
Nicotine immediately sends a rush of dopamine to the brain, so you’ll likely feel those effects before those of cannabis. The fast-acting effects are mimicked by the rate at which the paper burns. Unlike blunts, joints don’t last so long that they become the focal point of a hangout. These can be enjoyed before or during events easily.
The Importance of Paper

One of the most significant differences between spliffs and blunts is the material you use to roll the cannabis. Just like your choice of flower, the material you roll with can completely change the tone of your tokes. Let’s explore the application of these papers to better understand blunts vs. spliffs.
Wraps for Blunts
Traditionally, blunts are rolled by slicing open a cigar or cigarillo, emptying out the tobacco contents, and replacing it with cannabis. Then, the original cigar wrapper is rolled over the weed, moistened, and sealed.
You may have noticed an inordinate amount of cigarillos at your local convenience store. Rest assured, not that many people smoke mini cigars. Brands like Swisher Sweets, Phillies, and Dark & Milds are notoriously used for blunt wraps.
Blunt papers are now popular items at many smoke shops. They eliminate the process of dissecting a massive stogie and come in flavors to enhance or partially mask the smoke.
Papers for Spliffs
Like a joint or a pre-roll, a spliff is made with rolling paper. The paper is filled with a mixture of tobacco and cannabis and then sealed. Some smokers add filters or crutches to the end of their spliff for better handling and to filter out debris.
Many smokers prefer using bigger rolling papers for spliffs to accommodate the addition of tobacco. These are the 1 1/2, wide, or king-size options that many companies provide. Cones are also an excellent size and shape for spliffs.
Like blunt wraps, papers may come flavored. Some stoners enjoy experimenting with new flavors, though many argue that flavored papers take away from the enjoyment of the natural flavor of the flower.
Blunt vs. Spliff: Pros and Cons

Now that we know what they are and how to make them, it’s time to dive into the pros and cons of blunts vs. spliffs. While some stoners pledge allegiance to one or the other, different times call for different tokes. More often than not, what you’ll roll depends on the situation.
Spliff Pros
- Their small and portable size allows you to roll them in anticipation and easily conceal them until the mood is right.
- The addition of tobacco alters their smell, making them more discreet to smoke in public.
- Because they’re small and require less commitment, spliffs are great for sharing and might even win you a new friend or two.
- Nicotine gives your smoke session an extra buzz, with a relaxed yet energetic feeling.
Spliff Cons
- There are negative health effects of smoking too much tobacco.
- Tobacco changes the taste of the smoke.
- The paper may run or burn down quickly, causing smoke sessions to end prematurely.
Blunt Pros
- There’s less tobacco in blunts vs. spliffs, making it better for those trying to avoid nicotine.
- Blunts are the perfect size to share with a group.
- The tobacco wrapper burns slower, allowing for a long-lasting smoke session.
- Wraps come in a variety of flavors that many enjoy experimenting with.
Blunt Cons
- Just like spliffs, the tobacco in blunts can still be harmful to your health.
- Because they’re big and require time to finish, smoking a blunt requires some planning.
- The amount of cannabis might send your high into the lazy, couch-lock territory.
- The art of rolling a blunt takes practice and experience to master.
That’s a Wrap on Blunts vs. Spliffs
When it comes to debating blunts vs. spliffs, everyone wins! There’s no right or wrong answer, just a couple of great options for cannabis lovers. Whichever one you choose, you’re still going to enjoy that whacky tobacky!
After you’ve sorted through the difference between blunts and spliffs, swing by our Venice Beach dispensary. Our knowledgeable staff will guide you through our premium selection of award-winning products and daily deals. Or shop our online menu for easy in-store pickup!