Does weed make you lazy? For the longest time, it depended on who you asked. The laws surrounding marijuana have made it notoriously difficult to study in a meaningful, scientific way. Without proper studies, anecdotal observations and biased opinions became etched into stone.
The conventional wisdom surrounding weed isn’t always that wise. As cannabis becomes more popular than alcohol, it’s a good idea to challenge our preconceived notions. Often, certain ideas come from people without experience or evidence.
Let’s explore the correlation between weed and motivation and separate fact from fiction. Push your stereotypes as we ask the age-old question: does weed make you lazy?
The Lazy Stoner Stereotype
They chuckle, eat Cheetos, and never leave the couch. It’s an archetype everyone can identify: the lazy stoner. But is it true? Does weed make you lazy enough to lose all motivation?
It seems like a stretch, especially when there are so many examples of highly successful people who use cannabis. Steve Jobs, Carl Sagan, and Richard Branson conquered their professions while regularly smoking. It certainly doesn’t appear that weed and motivation were issues for them.
So, where does this stereotype come from? There are two major players in cannabis misinformation.
Anti-Pot Propaganda
Before you wonder if we’ve accidentally swerved into another stoner stereotype, the conspiracy theorist, rest assured this is true. Americans were subjected to anti-pot propaganda for over a century.
While the 19th century saw cannabis used in many over-the-counter medications, the demonization of weed began in the 20th century. Pamphlets and literature were distributed that equated marijuana with the devil. Starting with the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, weed became illegal.
During the 1970s and ’80s, federal laws against pot became even stricter. Tougher regulations coincided with the formation of organizations like D.A.R.E. and Above the Influence. A generation of Americans now believed cannabis was evil and wanted to reach kids.
Law enforcement and educators were in schools and on television, drawing parallels between weed and motivation. Not surprisingly, according to their public service announcements, weed does make you lazy.
Marijuana in the Movies

While the government was trying to scare us away from smoking, the movie industry was entertaining us with caricatures of cannabis users. Burnouts and hippies were the butt of the joke, and sometimes that joke was the entire point of the film. Movies like Dude, Where’s My Car? and Half Baked became the way mainstream America viewed pot.
Trust us, we like a good stoner comedy as much as the next person. However, when the only examples of marijuana use in mass media portray smokers as highly unmotivated airheads, society internalizes that weed does make you lazy.
What Science Says
A recent study by the University of Toronto suggests that weed does not make you lazy. Researchers examined daily cannabis users and found their motivation to complete tasks was the same when they were high as when they were sober.
The researchers concluded that cannabis doesn’t make you any less motivated or hard-working. It might change how you approach a task, but it won’t strip you of your drive.
The fact that there aren’t more studies like this shows how difficult it’s been to research the effects of cannabinoids. Without solid data, biased opinions have dictated the public’s perception of cannabis. However, we’re beginning to see that weed and motivation aren’t as strongly linked as previously thought.
Lazy or Relaxed?

It’s important to note that there’s a difference between laziness and relaxation. Sometimes, the rise-and-grind mentality our culture celebrates casts a negative shadow over the importance of rest. Attention-grabbing screens and work meetings bombard us daily. It’s crucial to take time to unwind.
Weed and motivation might not be connected, but a dab hit or bong rip can jump start to propel self-care. Many smokers would agree: weed does not make you lazy—it keeps you sane. Sure, you might laugh a little harder at a movie or devour snacks, but that’s just innocent fun. The real danger is never taking time to recharge your mental batteries.
However, not all cannabis strains have the same effects. Some might be more sedative, while others will give you a buzzy energy. We break strains down into two basic types.
Indica is often remembered by the mnemonic “in da couch” for its relaxing effects. These strains’ effects are frequently overblown in television and movies. Users of indica report feeling carefree, relaxed, and happier.
When you want to stay in and enjoy a movie, indica is the flower for you. While weed does not make you lazy, your concentration could be affected. That’s why most smokers wait to light up an indica strain until it’s time to settle in for the night.
Weed does not make you lazy, and in some cases, it might do the opposite. Sativa smokers report feeling motivated, energetic, and creative. These buds are commonly shared by artists and those who want a buzzy originality in their brainstorming sessions.
When you want to elevate your mood or change your mindset before a social event or artistic endeavor, load your bowl with sativa. It’s the type of toke that leaves you feeling jazzed and ready to think outside the box.
The Last Puff
Does weed make you lazy? Hollywood, the government, or cops might say yes. However, researchers and stoners know better. The fact is, cannabis makes people feel relaxed, and chilling out once in a while doesn’t make you lazy.
However, if you’re feeling lazy at the moment, Rose Collective offers online ordering for our Venice Beach dispensary. Pick your products from the comfort of your couch and then swing by the shop for easy in-store pick-up. Shop our daily deals for some of the best prices on quality cannabis products in Los Angeles!